Stéphane Layani appointed head of Rungis
Layani Stéphane was appointed CEO of Semmaris, manager of the market of national interest (MIN) of Rungis.
He took office from 1 June 2012. Aged 51, a former student of ENA (promotion 1993 - "Leon Gambetta") and IEP Paris, he holds a postgraduate degree in public law, Stéphane Layani also studied at the Ecole National Competition and Consumer Affairs.
Stéphane started as Commissioner of Competition, Ministry of Economy and Finance before joining the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. He then performs the functions of seconded national expert to the European Commission from 1997 to 1999 and after became advisor to Ministers of Trade. Since 2006 he is head of the National Agency for the Guarantee of Rights of Minors (ANGDM). This organisation supports and manages 160,000 miners still working or retired.