Strawberry, the fruit symbol of spring, "Produce in Italy" and MACFRUT 2017
Friday 14 April 2017
The Strawberry will be constantly present at MACFRUT, symbol of the renewal of the Italian fruit and star product of the BASILICATA region, partner region of the fair 2017.
In Italy, consumption of fresh strawberries in 2016 reached 86,600 tons, an increase of 4% compared to 2015. Thanks to constantly increasing quality, strawberries are the fruit of spring par excellence and their demand does not falter.
Last year, more than 81% of Italian households bought fresh strawberries at least once and each Italian consumed an average of 4.14 kg. From the point of view of sales, the month of April 2016 was the best month of the last 10 years. April is the month with the highest consumption and in April 2016 it exceeded 25 000 tonne threshold.
Further confirmation of the dynamism of the sector in Italy, the area of strawberries increased by 3% to 3 640 hectares. The Basilicata region is the largest production area (892 hectares) of the country, Italian exports of strawberries total 36.5 million euros.
source : macfrut