
Not enough Fruits & Vegetables in Australian' plates

Monday 26 September 2016


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In Australia a report reveals that 93% of adults do not consume the recommended servings of Fruits & Vegetables.
While 85% of Australians believe their health is "good," very good "or" excellent ", the vast majority do not eat enough fruits & vegetables, almost half do not exercise enough and the proportion of overweight and obese adults is increasing.
These results come from AIHW, the Australian Institute of Health, which delivered its report on the health of the population. The report reveals that 93% of adults do not eat the recommended five daily servings of vegetables and 50% do not consume the recommended two daily servings of fruit.
The proportion of adults overweight or obese increased from 56% in 1995 to 63% in 2014-15. Cause or consequence, 45% of adults from 18 to 64 are inactive or insufficiently active. Among children, 26% of 5-14 years old are overweight or obese and 37% for the 15-24 year olds.
Life expectancy is high, children born between 2012 and 2014 are expected to live to 80.3 years (boys) and up to 84.4 years (for girls).
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