Harvest Season 2007
Tuesday 27 March 2007
The harvest of bean, if there won't be any climatic alterations, could produce approximately 50.000 tons metric between March and April. This will contribute to maintain the reserves of this product in the markets and the stability in the prices and to generate economic income for the producers in the coming months. Seedtime of bean is made in the high zones of the departments of Jinotega, Matagalpa and Nueva Segovia favored in rains.
In the high zones of the Pacific Masaya, Granada and Carazo the production of citruses is beginning, which supplies the main markets of Managua. One hopes that the harvest extends until the first fortnight of April. This work involves all the familiar nucleus, from its handling and harvests to its commercialization; this last one is generally in charge of the women. In average, the weekly income that receive the producers of fruits oscillate between 300 and 400 córdobas (US$15-20), being an important source that it allows the families to cover the basic expenses during the dry time, diminishing therefore the risk of nourishing insecurity.