17% growth for citrus exports
Thursday 24 May 2018
Good export results for the 2017-18 season.
According to the estimates of the Committee of Cítricos Chile the increase of exports of citrus for the season 2017-18 will reach 17%. The strongest growth is recorded by mandarins with + 32% compared to the previous season.
Increased water availability, an increase in the area planted and the entry into production of new orchards have increased production and exports. Committee of Cítricos Chile expects exports to reach a rate of 17% increase.
For mandarins, the volumes exported are about 100 819 tonnes, ie + 32% compared to the previous season (76 373 tonnes). For oranges 84,449 tonnes, ie + 12% (75,478 tonnes), for clementines 51,924 tonnes or + 27% (41,000 tonnes), for lemons 78,104 tonnes, or + 1% (75,478 tonnes).
source : comitedecitricos.cl