COMPAC offers a new guide for re-packers
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Monday 10 April 2017
The rich experience acquired by COMPAC provides a valuable addition and makes this guide a must for professionals in the sector.
As a global leader in automated sorting and grading of fruit and vegetables, COMPAC, with its leading position and rich experience in packaging and repackaging, is introducing a new guide "Repackers Face the Big Squeeze".
The focus on the field of repackaging and food distribution is innovative. Because the experience acquired by COMPAC has allowed it to know everything about each product and how to add as much value to it as possible. The challenges are many for repackaging professionals who are under constant pressure from retailers to provide flexible solutions as a result of growing consumer demand.
In this guide: how to meet consumer demand, keep your customers happy and keep margins in the repackaging operation. By examining developments in the fresh produce industry, the importance of industry trends, and the technology that can help re-packers. Case studies of companies in the sector.
Guide to download: