Droughts in the province of Cordoba affect garlic harvest
Monday 04 April 2022
Due to the factors mentioned, the Regional Government of Andalucia assures that despite the rains of recent days, this season, the garlic harvest will be lower than in the previous one.(photo:sevilla.abc.com)
This season, the sustained droughts in the province of Cordoba, the largest garlic producer in Andalusia (Spain), have impacted the crop, according to the Phytosanitary Alert and Information Network (RAIF). However, the rains of the last few days have come to save the crop.
In this region, 2 varieties of garlic are grown: spring and purple, according to the report of the Price and Market Observatory of the Regional Government of Andalucia.
The spring variety constitutes about 70% of the total area. According to the RAIF, this variety has not been seriously affected by the drought, since it was planted in October, the period in which water was available.
The surface of the purple variety, planted in December, was reduced by 10%, due to the concern of the producers due to the lack of rainfall and the absence of forecast for it at the time of planting.
According to the RAIF, the fertilizers applied have had little effect due to water scarcity, and the crop is not developing well, with about 2 months to go before the start of the harvest. However, the dry weather has favored the absence of noteworthy diseases or pests and very few treatments have been carried out.
Due to the factors mentioned, the Regional Government of Andalucia assures that despite the rains of recent days, this season, the garlic harvest will be lower than in the previous one.
Regarding the phytosanitary situation, they comment that the rainfall and the mild temperatures of the last few days can cause the appearance of cryptogamic diseases, such as blanquilla and rust.
source: juntadeandalucia.es