World production of nuts and dried fruits, still expanding for 2017
All countries
Monday 09 January 2017
World production 2016/17 of 4.02 million tonnes for nuts (3.80 million in 2015/16) and 2.9 million tonnes for dried fruits (2.7 million tonnes in 2015/16 ).
World production of nuts is expected to reach 4.02 million tonnes by 2016/17, according to estimates by INC (International Nut & Dried Fuit) and dry fruits 2.9 million tonnes.
INC therefore forecasts an increase of 5.77% for the production of nuts and + 4.41% for the production of dried fruits.
Pistachios could be the biggest increase with 703,700 tonnes produced, or + 34%. The United States should be the No. 1 producer with 363,000 tons of pistachios. For dried fruits, apricots and cranberries are expected to grow at about 12% each.
The top 3 producers of nuts and dried fruits are the United States, Turkey and China.
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