The Miffel show awarded the Hortivégétal Company
Wednesday 20 November 2002
The Fructidor team present at the Miffel show in Cavaillon, France has met M. de Perthuis, director of the Hortivégétal company, who has won the 2nd Innovation Prize for his product, "Bio Fresh".
This unique product - natural coating that can be eaten - offers a better preserving of apples and pears (+ 15 days). "Bio Fresh" indeed reduces fruit permeability.
It also offers some kind of flexibility as it can be used by spraying or by fruit soaking after crop or before stocking or else once out of cold stores.
As there is no water loss, savour remains longer and allows the fruit to be firmer and sounder.
The Hortivégétal Company studies this same product for cucumbers, kiwifruit and melons.
This product is aimed at European, Japanese and U.S markets.