F.A. : Escrig Gourmet, best productions Exforpe
The company is present on Exforpe Fruit Attraction Hall 7 Stand 7B03.
Based in Faura ( Valencia region ) , the company now has more than 50 years of experience in the trade . Specializing in oranges, clementines, melons and watermelons , the company markets its products Exforpe on the national market in Europe and on other continents. Commercialization of products under several brands María José , Sofia, Escrig Hnos, Escrig Gourmet.
The Escrig Gourmet brand is present in the markets of France , Belgium, Italy, Germany, but also in Canada and Brazil. Escrig Gourmet is selecting the best fruits of every variety, offering the most demanding customers high quality fruit, size and impeccable class, taste and flavor unmatched.
The company through its website 7 000m2 has a production capacity of 25 million pounds per year and 200,000 kilos of citrus (oranges, clementines ) per day.