Signature of a European wholesalers' manifesto on the market
Tuesday 15 May 2018
From l. to r. Yves Mustel (Uncgfl), Andres Suarez (Coemfe), Valentino Di Pisa (Fedagromercati). The Manifesto will also be submitted to national and European institutions to strengthen the role of wholesalers in the supply chain.
In order to meet the new challenges that arise in distribution and to recognize the role and strengthen the image of wholesalers on the market, the organizations (Italy, Spain, France) have signed a Manifesto for common objectives and a work of team at European level.
During the MACFRUT 2018, Fedagromercati-Confcommercio (Federazione nazionale degli operatori all'ingrosso agro-floro-ittico-alimentari), Coemfe (Confederación Nacional de Empresarios Mayoristas de Frutas y Verduras de España) and Uncgfl (National Union of Wholesale Fruit Trade & Vegetables) signed a Manifesto.
This Manifesto includes several themes, such as the investment of infrastructures and companies, the adaptation of market opening hours, urban logistics, internationalization, relations with other actors of the sector, the development of a brand of high quality.
If these professionals have pointed out some problems (privatization of wholesale markets, competition from large retailers, development of E-commerce ...), they also stressed that they have the ability to adapt to meet new needs. With controlled quality, appropriate logistics and a high level of service.
source : macfrut, uncgfl fr