Potato market situation in Northern Europe
Monday 05 March 2007
German market of potato is very stable - but foreshadowed a couple of weeks ago price increase is already in phase of realisation despite rather small demand.
At the moment offered potato from Germany must be supplemented with imported fresh potato from Tunisia,Morocco and Cyprus.
In Holland producers price is also stable though the offered volume is little bigger.
Many farmers want to use the increased price to sell their goods and not be forced to keep potato in storage while the quality of those goods goes down.
The potato market in Austria is also in stable condition.
Typical in this time of year demand met rather limited offer of local goods. The export business runs also in limited size.The demand is little reduced by the high level of prices so there is need for more available offer for domestic market. The producer price stays unchanged from a week ago and actual price is EUR 24-25 for each deci-ton of potatoes.The observers await market stability for coming weeks.