Fruit and vegetable exports up 10%
Tuesday 14 June 2011
Good growth of Moroccan exports, which rose by 10% for citrus fruits as for futures.
There has been a net increase of Moroccan exports during the 2010-2011 period with regard to food products (citrus, vegetables, processed products, fish).
The statistics of the country’s exports office (EACCE) indicate that the increase was 10% for citrus fruits and vegetables - 494,000 and 607,000 tons respectively.
These good results are continuing this year. In late April, exports were 1.745 million ton compared to 1.65 a year earlier, an increase of 6%??. Apart from fishery products which are in decline (-11%), all other sectors are growing.
The Souss region remains the largest exporter with 72%, followed by Central with 15% and the Oriental with 13%.
source : lavieeco