Russia to increase its banana imports from India
Wednesday 14 February 2024
The volume of this 1st shipment of bananas from India was around 3,000 tonnes, according to Rosselkhoznadzor, who claims that Russia is going to increase its imports of Indian bananas (Photo:
India has just made its 1st shipment of bananas to Russia in January, and another shipment is scheduled for the end of February.
The Interfax press agency reports that the volume of this 1st shipment of bananas from India was around 3,000 tonnes, according to Rosselkhoznadzor, which claims that Russia is going to increase its imports of Indian bananas.
Rosselkhoznadzor is the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, which suspended the banana imports of 5 Ecuadorian companies a few days ago because of the detection of parasites in their products.
Ecuador's food safety agency refuted this argument, stating that bananas exported to Russia presented no risk, with insects affecting only 0.3% of shipments.
According to analysts, the real source of this dispute between Russia and its main banana supplier is something quite different. They argue that the real source is Russian-made military equipment, which Ecuador has described as "scrap metal" and which the country has decided to hand over to the United States in exchange for more advanced American equipment.
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