SimFruit plans a decline of avocados exports and stability for citrus fruits
Wednesday 16 June 2010
Simfruit plans a strong decrease of the demand in Europe.
Estimations on the season to come were evoked during a day of meetings between Chilean producers of fruits.
Manuel José Alcaíno, President of Decofruit, commented the results and analyses for the 2009/10 season of avocados and citrus fruits: " this situation sets up a scenario of low pressure on markets. " He expects a decline of 30 % of exports.
According to him, last year was a banner year, with a market share of Chilean products in increase from 22 % to 27 % in Europe and a trebling in volume, from 16 to 50 thousand tons. But Europe will certainly have this year a more low demand because of a lower exchange rate.
Find other destinations : Market of United States is already occupied by Mexico, Argentina, which mattered the last year about 6000 tons of Chilean avocados could be increased, as well as the Chilean internal market which sold 74 000 tons.
For citrus fruits, mandarins, Clementine, the planned harvest is about 4 % more than last year. Exports had reached 33 000 tons, approximately 80 % towards the United States. For the next season, this figure can be maintained and increased.
Source: simfruit