DeltaTrak offers a solution for a complete traceability chain
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Friday 29 September 2023
FJ | DeltaTrak Inc.
From producer to consumer, FlashTrak Chain of Custody (CoC) brings together the key elements of the supply chain from different systems and programmes in a single traceability product.
An innovative solution for managing, integrating and sharing product traceability data throughout the supply chain process, from producer to consumer.
DeltaTrak presents the FlashTrak Chain of Custody (CoC) real-time traceability solution. FlashTrak CoC brings together key supply chain elements from different systems and programmes into a single traceability product.
When integrated with DeltaTrak's FlashLink real-time recorders, CoC helps track the location and status of cargo, integrating real-time information into the process.
FlashTrak CoC is the perfect solution to meet supply chain requirements: end-to-end traceability, product quality information, FSMA 204 for companies needing to comply with the FDA food traceability rule, management of all documents (automated collection, storage, easy access at any time).