Banana imports: Commission announces envisaged new tariff for bananas to the WTO
Thursday 10 February 2005
The European Commission has notified to the WTO its intentions concerning the level of duty in the new tariff-only system for the EU's import regime for bananas.
The new tariff proposed by the Commission of EUR 230 per tonne for most favoured nation (MFN) suppliers - mostly in Latin America - is intended to replace as of 1 January 2006 the present regime based on tariff quotas.
The new proposed duty preserves the current level of market access for WTO members exporting bananas to the EU under the WTO's most favoured nation conditions.
The Commission has proceeded with this notification to the WTO under the terms agreed in Doha in 2001. These terms had been explicitly requested by the Latin American exporting countries, and they provide for the possibility of arbitration on the level of the tariff. The EC will maintain a preference for African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, in a manner respecting entirely the EU's obligations and commitments towards all interested parties.