Camposol plans to invest $ 100 million
FJ | Camposol SA
Ambitious plan unveiled by the Peruvian agribusiness company Camposol.
Camposol plants to invest $ 100 million by 2016 to increase its production of blueberry. The company which has 200 hectares in Chavimochic (La Libertad) plans to continue to invest $ 10 million per year, for the next 3 years 2000 hectares. For the next year, $ 20 million will be spent on new plantings.
The company also plans to open additional sales offices in the United States and Europe. While this channel drains only 30% of production, Camposol wants to achieve 50% of its products sold through this channel in the next 5 years. The main export market is Europe, which receives 60% of the production of Camposol.
source : gestion pe empresas