All oranges in Florida are counted on 159.6 million boxes in 2009
United States
Monday 15 June 2009
The Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 159.6 million boxes, up 2.0 million boxes from last month.
The change is within the Valencia portion at 75.0 million boxes. The early-midseason-Navel varieties (including Temples) are final at 84.6 million boxes.
Results of the Row Count (route survey) conducted June 1-2, 2009, show nearly 94% of the rows visited have been harvested. In the past eight non-hurricane seasons, the June forecast has deviated from final production by an average of less than one percent with three forecasts above, three below, and two equal to the final production.
Florida’s citrus producing region received relief from the drought during May. Several days of storms and heavy showers around mid-month drenched the area causing localized flooding. By the end of the month, the heavy showers tapered off and typical Florida summer weather patterns returned, bringing plenty of sunshine and quick moving late afternoon and evening rain showers.
The northern citrus producing region received the most rainfall totaling up to 15 inches in some areas. Temperatures were about average most of the month, dropping into the 60s at night and reaching into the mid to high 80s during the day.