“Simply Powerful Precoolers” becoming even more Simple with one minute to train the staff
Jet-Ready Precoolers, designed and manufactured by Global Cooling Inc., are just “Simply Powerful Precoolers,” according to company founder and president Jim Still.
“When you invent a new product.” Still continued, “there is so much time invested in design and development,” I think anyone can understand that. “But there is also an awful lot of time and effort that goes into naming the product, and coming up with the positioning statement. And sometimes design and naming and positioning all happen together and they can feed off each other”, he explained.
These units are obviously Powerful (many end users have commented “Jim, these fans move A LOT of air,” according to Still. “Our Jets are also obviously powerful.”). But after some more redesign, he said, he realized he was down to having a green button to start the Jet, a red one to stop it, and up and down arrows to change fan speed.
“And that's when I realized I had the whole thing, Simply Powerful Precoolers. Internally we kicked around simple or simply, commas or periods, precooler or precoolers. But we always came back to Simply Powerful Precoolers.”
One of Still's favorite customers, Anthony Seran of Organically Grown in Portland, Oregon says: “Jet has literally everything you need, nothing more, nothing less. I don't need bells and whistles, I need something that does its job. I'll quote Einstein: 'Perfection is when nothing can be added or removed. The Jet is perfect.”
“I also like the pure, user-friendliness of it. It took me one minute to figure out how to fire it up and run it, and one minute to train my staff. The shortest learning curve of any piece of equipment I've experienced. Our Jet easily cut 2/3s off of our cooling time,” shares Seran.
“Our Jet Precoolers are made in America,” said Jim J. Still, Global's Vice President. “All our components are the best that money can buy, and our portables are amazingly powerful. Time after time, we outperform bunker wall systems and farm-built box fans.”
Precoolers can be used for Apples, Apricots, Artichokes, Avocados, Bananas, Basil, Bell Peppers, Blackberries, Blueberries, Green Beans, Bagged Salad, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, Celery, Cherries, Chiles, Club Pack bags, Cucumbers, Fresh-Cut trays, Grapes, Honeydew, Hops, Hot peppers, Kale, Kiwi, Leafy Greens (in bags too), Lettuce, Lychee, Mango, Nectarines, Okra, Onions (drying), Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Plantain, Plums, Rambutan, Raspberries, Spinach, Summer Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Corns, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Root Stock, and more.
For more information about Global's Jet-Ready Precoolers, see http://www.PreCoolers.net. Or eMail to: Solutions@Pre-Coolers.net. Or call 1-844-858-4621, local 1-610-248-9800.
Jim Still, Founder/President/CVO, Global Cooling Inc.