Volume of Spanish fruit and vegetable exports to the EU decreases 9% at the beginning of 2023
Thursday 06 April 2023
In January this year, Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables to the European Union amounted to 938,451 tons, representing 82% of the total exported, with a value of 1,319 million euros, according to data from the Department of Customs and Excise Duties. . (photo:ecomercioagrario.com)
In January this year, Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables to the European Union amounted to 938,451 tons, representing 82% of the total exported, with a value of 1,319 million euros, according to data from the Department of Customs and Excise Duties. .
Outside the EU, 210,349 tons were exported for a value of 326.6 million euros.
However, the volume of exports to the EU in January decreased by 9% compared to the same month in 2022, although the value remained stable.
In the case of third countries, the volume of exports also fell by 12%, although the value increased by 2%.
Sales in Germany, France and the Netherlands, the main EU markets for the Spanish sector, decreased in volume and increased in value, in line with the general data.
For example, exports to Germany in January reached 315,918 tons, which is 9% less than in January 2022, although the value increased by 10%, totaling 468 million euros.
Exports to France were 193,773 tons (-4%) and 262.3 million euros (+11%) and to the Netherlands 105,104 tons (-8%) and 157 million euros (+10%).
On the other hand, the first destination for Spanish fruit and vegetables outside the EU was the United Kingdom, with 143,040 tons, which is 11% lower than in January 2022, although the value increased by 3%, reaching 227 million euros.
fuente: fepex.es