SIIM will organize the Madagascar lychee export campaign from next fall
Wednesday 07 July 2021
SIIM, a subsidiary of the Omer-Decugis & Cie Group, will distribute 8,000 tonnes of lychees from Madagascar in Europe next fall (Photos:
SIIM, a subsidiary of the Omer-Decugis & Cie Group, won the marketing contract for the lychee export campaign following the international call for applications launched by the GEL (Groupement des Litchis exporters from Madagascar).
By winning this contract, the Group consolidates its position as a leader in the exotic at European level and integrates a strategic sector. The deployment of the marketing campaign will generate consolidated sales estimated at more than 15 million euros for nearly 8,000 tonnes of lychees over the 2021/22 financial year, and is fully in line with the 2021 growth plan. / 2025 of the Omer-Decugis & Cie Group.
The distribution of Madagascan lychee in Europe is a seasonal campaign, involving the marketing of more than 16,000 tonnes of fruit, which usually runs from the beginning of December until the end of January, and which will therefore be distributed for half by the Group.
Historically established in Africa since its creation in 1978 and a leading exporter - European leader in West African mangoes, the Group intends to use all its know-how and its capacities, both commercial and logistical. , operational and technical to ensure its customers and, through them, European consumers, lychees of exceptional quality for the next Christmas and New Year celebrations.
"It is a great pride to have obtained the confidence of Malagasy exporters for the organization of the distribution of local litchi from the 2021/2022 campaign, organized at the international level by the Groupement des Exportateurs de Litchis (GEL) under the supervision of the Malagasy Ministry in charge of Trade. The Madagascan lychee sector has developed on production protocols integrating the three essential pillars of sustainable agriculture (health safety, respect for the environment, socially responsible working conditions), in the service of of the taste quality of the fruit, with a unique and refined flavor, "said Vincent Omer-Decugis, Chairman and CEO of Omer-Decugis & Cie.