The future market of Aix will be a European experimental project
Monday 22 February 2010
8 European projects of sustainable development to improve the marketing of the local farm produces.
The Community of the Country of Aix was held within the framework of an European call for projects: entitled Rururbal ( Rural Urbain Alimentation) .
This project aims to develop the local circuits of marketing and to promote the consumption of the regional farm produces.
Rururbal suggests elaborating a charter of European reach intended to support the marketing and the consumption of the local farm produces. Later, this charter could be adopted by all the territories of the Mediterranean space.
Every partner will lead an experimental action on his territory which will contribute to the elaboration of this charter. So, the Community of the Country of Aix will test the implementation of a new market.
The objective is of:
- Facilitate a local consumption of products, and thus to improve the carbon assessment
- to propose quality farm produces at a correct price for the consumer as for the producer
- to allow the retailers and the restaurant owners to stock up locally.
Other European projects will be led by: Consell Comarcal del Vallès Oriental in Catalonia, Generalitat de Catalunya, Diputaci ó of Barcelona, the association for the development of the agriculture, Provincia di Torino and di Siena as well as the Aristote university of Thessalonica.
Source: project of territory / program med eu.