Rising trend for asparagus consumption in Italy
Wednesday 30 March 2022
The consumption of fresh asparagus resumed in 2021, which bodes well for the 2022 campaign which has just started (Photo: informacibo.it).
According to a recent study, asparagus consumption in Italy increased in 2021, which bodes well for the 2022 campaign which has just started.
According to the CSO Italy Market Observatory, asparagus consumption resumed in 2021, after the decline observed in 2020 during the health crisis. According to the Market Observatory in 2021 the consumption of fresh asparagus in Italy amounted to 27,400 tons. The quantities purchased per household have increased, rising in 2021 to 2.60 kg
The study also learns that consumption varies according to the Italian regions: the inhabitants of the North-West are the biggest consumers with a percentage of penetration of 49% (the percentage of households having bought the product at least once in the year ), then the inhabitants of the Northeast with a penetration percentage of 45%, then the inhabitants of the Center and those of Sardinia with a penetration percentage of 43% and finally the inhabitants of the South and those of Sicily with a percentage 27% penetration.
Demand remains linked to the strong seasonality of the product, 87% of the total being concentrated in the period from March to June, and above all via the mass distribution channel. In 2021, 68% of all trade flow passed through large-scale retail, generating 67% of the sector's total revenue. Between 2020 and 2021, the quantities purchased increased by +15% in supermarkets, by +13% in discount stores and by +1% in hypermarkets.
source : csoservizi.com