Live from PMA Fresh Summit, USA, magnetic water treatment helps organic farmers in California
United States
Sunday 25 October 2015
Mike Sendah, development manager, Magnation Water Technologies is presenting a solution for organic and conventional growers with water issues. Known but largely underused, technology is brought by magnetic field which is a simple, non-chemical water treatment solution with irrigation systems. It reduces the amount of water needed helps keep moisture levels high in soil, and enhances the health and vitality of crops.
Added to the pipe, the Magnation system creates " rain-like" water. The water molecules are smaller , more agitated and accordingly more vibrant and useful to growing crops. As irrigation water passes through the Magnation System, it's molecular structure is broken down into smaller , more bio available clusters, allowing a greater amount of oxygen and nutrients to infiltrate the soil.
Magnation Water Technologies is présent at PMA Fresh Summit.