Tuesday 22 December 2009
Macfrut 2010 confirms the same dates as in 2009: the 27th edition will be held from Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 of October in Cesena. The 2nd European Fruit Summit is on Tuesday 5th.
Macfrut 2010 confirms the same dates as in 2009: the 27th edition will be held from Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 of October in Cesena. The 2nd European Fruit Summit is on Tuesday 5th.
The President of Cesena Fiera, organizer of the event, Domenico Scarpellini (pictured) declared: “The organization of Macfrut 2010 will also allow us to better analyze some data released in these days: Italian families in October 2009 purchased 4.5% of vegetables less than in October 2008 and 7.8% less of fresh fruits (also on 2008).
"While our exports of fresh fruit in the first 9 months of the year, although with a +1.7% in volumes, shows a worrisome -21.4% in value. Issues - Scarpellini concludes - that the whole fresh produce supply chain should and reflect on.”
"While our exports of fresh fruit in the first 9 months of the year, although with a +1.7% in volumes, shows a worrisome -21.4% in value. Issues - Scarpellini concludes - that the whole fresh produce supply chain should and reflect on.”