FytoLab 's 4th annual seminar: "Pesticide Residue Monitoring on Organic Food".
During Fytolab's 4th seminar that is to take place on October 20th 2009, the focus is put on the theme Organic, given the internationally growing importance of organic farming and organic food. Therefore Fytolab wishes to address this item from an international and broad perspective. Monitoring of pesticide residues is an important pillar in the approach of the organic sector (producers, processors, trade, retail, certifiers, ...)in order to control their raw materials and products. From September 1, 2008 onwards, the MRL's for pesticides in conventional crops were harmonized at the EU-level, but what about organic food? At present, residue monitoring in organic food is based on various local and regional rules, which could cause lack of transparency and lead to trade barriers.
Hence the central questino posed at this seminar is:
Is there a need for specific MRL's and a harmonised approach and evaluation of pesticide residue monitoring in organic food?
Speakers join the seminar from different domains in the worldof organic food, to talk about how they handle organic food monitoring and what their approach is towards this central question.
By organising this seminar, Fytolab hopes to establish a communication network between agencies and enterprises and in this way, support the entire organic sector
Dr. Ir Carine De Clercq
General Manager Fytolab