Potato area grows by 4.6% in the North-West of Europe
Wednesday 05 July 2017
Even more areas of potatoes in the 5 countries of Northwest Europe, the average rate being + 4.6%.
The five NEPG countries (North-Western European Potato Growers) all recorded an increase in their area of potatoes for consumption.
For the NEPG countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Netherlands), the estimates total 578,821 hectares, up by 4.6% from last year and by 8.3% to the average of the last 5 years.
Belgium had the highest rate of growth of 5.4%, followed by France with 5.1%, followed by Germany with 4.5%, the Netherlands with 4.1% and Great Britain with 4.0%.
NEPG insists that this does not automatically mean that the crop will be increasing, the yield per hectare being much more decisive than the area for final production. It is still premature to want to estimate the 2017 crop. The weather and growing conditions in the coming weeks will be decisive
source : nepg info, producteursdepommesdeterre org