URALCHEM begins agronomic tests in Europe
URALCHEM has embarked on agronomic tests in Europe. In 2019, the number of participating countries significantly increased to include Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and Serbia.
All tests are carried out in cooperation with leading research institutes in these countries: LATRAPS (Latvia), Voke branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (Poland), Tecnova Scientific Centre (Spain) and Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje (Serbia).
In the tests, URALCHEM's Agronomic Support Department uses special products of the Company: Solar NPK micro mineral water-soluble fertilizers with microelements and NS 30:7 sulphonitrate. NPK micro compound fertilizers for foliar application help the plants overcome critical phases of their development, and minimize stress from pesticide treatments and can eliminate minor nutritional deficiencies. NS 30:7 sulphonitrate improves not only the yield of grain crops, but also their class.
Each country uses individual plant species as test crops: rapeseed and winter wheat in Latvia, spring wheat in Lithuania, potatoes in Poland, tomatoes in Spain and maize in Serbia. They were chosen according to their amount of use in cultivated lands in eastern, northern and southern Europe.
“The European market for sulphur-containing fertilizers and foliar application products is growing every year. We have to carry out large-scale agronomic tests to help end customers realise the agronomic and economic benefits of our fertilizers,” - explains Ksenia Belousova, Head of URALCHEM's Agronomic Support Department.
In total, the Company uses from 4 to 8 options in all countries. The tests will result in an extensive scientific report presenting the outcome of various field and laboratory tests, statistical data and conclusions. It will be available in late 2019 - early 2020.
For further information about Uralchem’s Special Products for Agriculture and Industry, please see https://solar.uralchem.com/en/.