Apple production up
The Italian organisation Assomela expects to see an increase in the production of apples.
For the 2011/2012 season apple production is forecast to increase 6.5% over 2010. At the national level the total production, processing and fresh consumption, is expected to reach 2,285,640 tons.
This season, the quantities of apples available for fresh consumption is expected to reach 1,963,686 tons, broadly similar to previous seasons. In terms of varieties, Renetta Canada is lower than expected (-2.8%) along with Morgenduft Imperatore (-28%). All others are on the rise, especially Cripps Pink (26.9%).
Sales are progressing with an upward trend for Gala and Red Delicious and steady for Golden Delicious. In Italy, demand is constant and in foreign markets there are interesting opportunities.
source : agronotizie