Good harvest of early apricots in South East
The village of Mut, in the province of Mersin, is well known for its production of early fruits. This season looks especially good for farmers, both in terms of price and quantities.
The season started about a month earlier than in Spain, France and Italy, which are also preseason fruit producers. This year 20,000 tons of apricots should be exported from this region, because the production is higher this year.
Les exportations turques d’abricots de variétés précoces représentent une valeur de 35 millions de dollars, 60% de ces exportations proviennent de la région de Mut. Ce village organise un festival tous les ans début juin sur le thème des abricots.
Turkish exports of apricots early varieties represent a value of $ 35 million, 60% of exports is from the region of Mut. The village organizes a festival every year in early June on the theme of apricots.