Peru produced almost 5.5 million tons of potatoes in 2020
In Peru there are more than 338.857 hectares dedicated to potato production. The most popular varieties are Amarilla, Canchán, Única, Blanca, Tumbay, Huamantanga, Negra Andina, Peruanita, Perricholi, Tomasa, and Huayro.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru (Midagri) reported that the annual production of the tuber in 2020 totaled 5.458.076 tons, which is 13.5 % of the total crops production of family farms.
It is grown mainly in the areas of Puno, La Libertad, Huánuco, Apurímac, Cajamarca, Cusco, Junín, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, and Áncash. The highest production and supply of Peruvian potatoes is performed from April to June.
For this reason, on March 25, the entity, through the decentralized headquarters of Huánuco de Sierra and Selva Exportadora (SSE), organized a Virtual Business Roundtable so that organized producers could directly contact companies that demand potatoes, thus establishing business relationships with new markets and marketing channels.
Today, Peru exports potatoes mainly to Bolivia, Germany, France, Spain, the United States, Chile, Japan, and Canada, totaling almost $7 million in 2020.