The system of PIN codes for the release of containers will replaced by digital solution in the Port of Antwerp
Today, to pick up a container at a terminal in the port, a unique PIN code need. It takes a considerable time between the shipping company being informed of the PIN code and the actual entry of this PIN code by the truck driver on the terminal. In addition, the PIN code is passed between different parties, which increases the risk of abuse.
To make this process more secure and efficient, a new container release process called the "Certified Pick-up" (CPu) will be enforced on January 1, 2021. CPu is a neutral, central data platform that connects all stakeholders involved in the container import process.
Together with the Antwerp Port (Belgium) Authority, a phased implementation of CPu was agreed from January 1, 2021. In the first phase, the CPu platform will provide transparency regarding the status of the container. The container statuses related to the receiving of a container in the Port of Antwerp will be displayed as "green lights". Supply chain partners will be able to view the commercial, customs and terminal releases of containers, which they control. In exchange for this information, chain partners will later be required to add relevant supply chain data such as expected collection time, terms, etc. The current PIN code entry process will still be retained in this phase.
In the second phase, chain partners will switch over to a new processing method - collection based on identity. The process of using a PIN code to collect a container will be phased out and replaced by a digital authorization process of release entitlement, then pick up entitlement and an authorized collection based on identity.
Port of Antwerp CEO Jacques Vandermeiren shared they are using this phased approach to release containers faster, more secure and more efficiently. “The fact this has been achieved in collaboration with the various partners in the port chain is further evidence of the strength and resilience of Antwerp's port community,” he added.
Antwerp shipping companies and terminals will be first to connect on the CPu platform, after which other interested parties such as freight forwarders and transporters will connect from January 1, 2021 to see the status of the various containers. NxtPort is a logistical data platform at the port of Antwerp that will provide the CPu platform. They have created the efficient support that will guarantee the continuity of the Port of Antwerp (in relation to container imports).
The mission of the Antwerp Port Authority is to strengthen the competitive position of the port by offering high quality, uninterrupted service and suitably developed infrastructure. The port community strives to promoting environmentally friendly modes of transport for carrying goods to and from the hinterland.
More information about the Port of Antwerp on its website.