Awards winner, SoFruPak, the Polish packaging producer benefits from a growing reputation in green and eco-friendly fruit packaging
Thursday 18 May 2017
Nowadays more consumers pay attention to the ecological consequences of the packaging. It is no doubt that both growers, importers, distributors and retailers consciously share responsibility for the appropriate waste management of their used packaging.
SoFruPak, the Polish packaging producer benefits from a growing reputation in green and eco-friendly fruit packaging. It has been the first ever Polish company to be nominated for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award in 2017 and the winner of many prestigious international awards: The RedDotDesing Award in 2016, the World Star Award in 2017.
Commercial Director of SoFruPak, Adam Sikorski says: “We are optimistic about the coming season with our submission of our product to the marketplace”.
He continues: “The main goal in the design of the innovational packaging system was to improve the air flow of the cooling cycle of fresh fruit and to create an integrated packaging system. It is shipped folded flat in order to save storage space and transportation costs and unfolded easily”.
Hopefully one day all participants in a supply chain, from packaging design through production to consumption, accept responsibility for the environmental impacts occurring in their specific part of the chain.
Mr Adam Sikorski
Commercial Director
Tel: +48 725 591 457
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