Reduce post- harvest losses is a primary objective
Alarming constat in 11 African countries where post-harvest losses account for 50% of food produced.
A study by AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa ) shows that in 11 African countries (Ghana, Kenya , Malawi, Mozambique , Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria, Mali and Burkina Faso) post-harvest losses reach considerable magnitude : sometimes more than 50% of food produced in different countries.
This enormous level of losses , where half of agricultural production fails to consumers, the question of the advisability of investing in agriculture without adequate solutions to limit any losses . Aiming for self-sufficiency must pass by structuring the entire supply chain ( storage sites, infrastructure for transport).
Agricultural production continues to increase and may even grow, land used represent only a small portion of arable land available. The food deficit observed in these countries is mainly due to the low level of agricultural production that reaches consumers.
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