Turkish citrus were at Fruit Attraction 2016
Saturday 15 October 2016
While the citrus season is in full swing, the Promotion Group Citrus participated with Turkish companies to the event, where 30 percent of exhibitors are Spanish. Promotional activities have been received favorably by visitors. The Trade Commissioner of the Turkish Consulate in Madrid highlighted the importance of promoting Turkish products to the Spanish.
The citrus season continues with the export authorization of Satsuma, which began on 14th of October, of Marshall Seedless on the 17th of October and the varieties of Ruby Red grapefruit, and Navalina and Fukumoto oranges on the 18th of October.
The citrus exports are mainly to non-European countries but Turkey continues its promotional activities to Europe and to Asian countries, in particular Korea.
Source : Union des Exportateurs Méditerranéens