Reliable technology and convincing results, Family Tree Farms confirms its confidence in UNITEC
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Monday 27 July 2020
FJ | Unitec S.p.a.
"Thanks to the UNITEC line, the result is a high quality product, a great consumer experience to offer our customer and of which we are proud," said Daniel Jackson of Family Tree Farms.
Family Tree Farms, a fruit and vegetable powerhouse based in Reedley (California), specializing in the cultivation, processing, packaging and worldwide export of blueberries and stone fruits, which had previously chosen to trust UNITEC in 2018 and in 2019 with the installation of a blueberry line and a fishing line, wanted to confirm this year the confidence placed in UNITEC, with the installation of 2 other blueberry lines.
“One thing I noticed when I started dealing with UNITEC is that they don't overestimate their product. What they promised me is exactly what has happened, and that gave us a lot of confidence. For example, they told us their 16 line blueberry grader could work 7000 lbs per hour (Potentiality depends on average weight of processed fruit) and that's exactly how it is. And the thing amazing is that it even exceeded those limits: with bigger blueberries, we actually worked 9000 pounds per hour on their line, and we all know what that means as operators! "said Daniel Jackson of Family Tree Farms.
The lines owned by Family Tree Farms are equipped with the UNITEC Blueberry Vision 3 vision system, able to classify blueberries with great precision and reliability on the basis of a multitude of parameters - interior quality (degree of softness), exterior quality, defects in shape, size and color - independent of each other, which allows to create many qualitative classes able to satisfy the different tastes of the consumer and the most diverse needs of destination and distribution.
Thanks to its very high resolution cameras which can perform a 100% scan of each blueberry, Blueberry Vision 3 makes it possible to separate "premium" quality blueberries, with highly prized characteristics, from those of second or third quality, intended for the food industry, but also to divide the second or third quality product into different subsequent categories.
Using Blueberry Vision 3 technology minimizes disputes due to deformities between the product promised to the distributor and the product actually delivered. The product classified with this technology is a product that does not betray and that does not reserve unpleasant surprises. And UNITEC technology thus acts as a true mark of product quality and consistency with each delivery.
"Quality is very important to us, especially in the three regions where we are working. Just as it is important to be sure that we can deliver fruit of uniform quality to the consumer. This is one thing that we were really able to do "
And while this is important for the domestic market, it is even more important for the export market. Blueberry Vision 3, by making it possible to obtain a product of homogeneous quality within a package and between one package and another, supports and strengthens the opening to new export outlets, even in markets far away of the place of production and processing.
Total satisfaction of the end consumer, but also increased production efficiency within the plant. At Reedley's facility, Family Tree Farms was able to employ in the processing of blueberries on the line just 10-11 people, compared to the 85 people who would have been employed in the traditional way of working.
All of these benefits, Family Tree Farms have seen not only in processing blueberries, but also in peaches. In 2019, the plant also invested in a UNITEC installation equipped with the Peach Vision 3 vision system, dedicated to the processing and classification of peaches and nectarines, but also suitable for plums and apricots, and the positive results did not delay.
"My father, David Jackson - started the relationship with UNITEC, I have continued it and I want the next generations, my three sons and my three daughters, to be able to continue it in their turn, so that they can look to the past and being proud to produce a blueberry which is a great experience not only for food, but also for the eyes. A healthy product that UNITEC has helped us bring to market, "said Daniel Jackson.