Kiwifruit harvest just begun in Spain
Thursday 26 November 2009
A crop around 2,500 tons of kiwifruit expected this year compared to 1,500 tons last year
After two problematic seasons a recovery is expected in Asturias. While in Navarra the crop will be reduced by half but with a better quality.
The kiwifruit harvest season has just begun in Spain. In the Asturian province of Lower Nalón, from where more than half of the region’s supply of kiwifruit comes, producers hope this will be a better season than the two previous ones.
A recovery in volumes is expected this year, for a crop around 2,500 tons, which is a normal level compared to only nearly 1,500 tons collected last year. In 2007 the crop didn’t even reach the thousand tons.
The head of the Asturias’ Professional Association of Kiwifruit (AAPK), Ignacio Cavanilles, Asturias explains that there are 170 hectares kiwifruit cultivated areas in Asturias. However, only about 110 of these are producing fruit, since the rest are young plants.
The AAPK association will continue to develop kiwifruit production, as the market is highly profitable. Spain produces about 10 percent of the domestic kiwifruit consumption, the rest is to be imported. “Conditions are favourable to further develop this cultivation - Mr. Cavanilles stresses - the only problem is that we miss farm estates.”
The largest producer of kiwifruit in Spain remains Galicia, who covers 50 percent of the production. Asturias ranks second with 25%. Cantabria, Basque Country and Navarra follow.
On the other side Navarra’s output if kiwifruit will be half cut this year due to the frosts that affected the shoots last March. Quality however will significantly improve, with also a larger size of fruits.