Sanctions against Russia will increase sales in Brazil
Brazilian exports to Russia could increase this year, following the trade sanctions by the United States and the European Union.
Investment opportunities for Brazilian exporters in Russia. Bilateral trade (estimated at U.S. $ 5.6 billion) could increase between Brazil and Russia, which is seeking to diversify its trading partners after the trade sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the EU. Russia turns to the other BRICS, the group that includes, besides Russia, Brazil, China, South Africa and India.
In this context, Brazil could increase its sales of meat of $ 800 million to U.S. $ 2.8 billion, and sales of sugar, coffee, and fruits. Brazil exports to Russia nearly U.S. $ 40 million of fruits (mangoes, grapes, watermelons, papayas), but the latest projections of analysts expect a rapid expansion of these figures.
source : a critica net