Slight decrease of exports of fruit and vegetables in Turkey in 2015
A total drop of 6 percent in quantity and 13 percent in value was recorded. While the barrier of the 3,500 tons had been exceeded in 2014 (January to December), exports remained in 2015 at 3,300 thousand tons. But it is especially on the prices obtained that the decline is the most important. Although the export of fruits has increased by 5 percent in quantity, it fell by 13 percent in value. It is the export of vegetables that experienced the largest decline of 17 percent in quantity and value compared to last year. The export of citrus, which represents almost half of the total exports, also declined in lesser quantities, 3 percent in quantity and 10 percent in value.
The decrease in fruit exports is mainly due to the grapes. But it is interesting to note that despite an increase of 37 percent in export of cherries in quantity, there was a decline of 15 percent in value. To note, a significant increase in the export of apricots (+ 104%) and plums (+ 110%). Russia remained the largest importer, followed by Iraq and by Germany.
Concerning the vegetables, there is a general decline in exports. Only the fungus has pulled out of the game with an increase of over 100 percent, but it remains a niche product (only 1% of total exports of vegetables).
Note here the increase in exports of Saudi Arabia (132%) and Syria (141%).
Finally, the export of citrus fruits remained at almost the same amount (about 1,500 tons) over the period from January to December. Lemon, which represents 31% of total exports of citrus, is the only product to have increased its exports by 15 percent (4% in value) to reach 476,000 tons. The main importers are Russia (34% of the market of citrus), Iraq (24%) and Ukraine (8%). The latter lowered its citrus exports by 23%. Bulgaria, Serbia, Belarus and Hungary increased their citrus exports significantly.
Source : Union des Exportateurs Méditerranéens