Jamaica's future may be organic
Thursday 22 October 2009
Over the last ten years, there has been an increased demand in organic foods
During the opening session of a two-day workshop on business opportunities in the European natural and organic products market held in New Kingston, Jamaica, on October 15, Head of the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries' Agro-Investment Corporation, Dr. David Lowe stressed that organic farming may grow significantly in Jamaica in the next few years.
"There is scope for the development and growth of natural and organic agriculture in Jamaica, through a national policy framework for the sector" Lowe said.
According to Lowe, there is need in Jamaica to further refine previous strategies and implementation plans for organic and natural agriculture, by reviewing existing policies and current standards, as well as regulation for branding and labeling of organic produce for domestic and international trade.
Formation and training are also needed to face the lack of understanding of concepts and principles of organic agriculture and, in doing so, ensure that the decision makers and trainers are equipped with the necessary technical knowledge.
Dr. Lowe said that, over the last 10 years, there has been increased demand, use and interest in organic foods and natural products for health reasons.
"When we look at organic products, this is a niche area that will not replace traditional agriculture. The objective is to really make sure that it complements production capacity, and also by ensuring that we look to the unique aspects of the Jamaican produce and its export linkages to a lucrative and growing market overseas," he said.
The workshop was organized by the Jamaica Wellness Cluster in collaboration with Organic Monitor, a United Kingdom (UK) based specialist research and consulting firm that focuses on global organic and related product industries. It is also in keeping with the Cluster's objectives to identify new and competitive products, and to brand Jamaica as a premier location for health and wellness. It was conducted by Founder and Director of Organic Monitor, Amarjit Sahota.