2021 production slightly up for American cranberries
United States
Friday 26 November 2021
This year US cranberry production is expected to reach 7.9 million barrels, or just over 213 million kilograms (Photo: ers.usda.gov).
Cranberries are one of the most consumed fruits during Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States. This year the American production is estimated to increase by about 1% compared to 2020.
According to ERS (Econmic Research Service) of the USDA, the US Department of Agriculture, total cranberry production in 2021 is expected to reach 7.9 million barrels (100 lbs = 45.35 kg), an increase of less than 1% over the year.
The cranberry harvest season in the United States runs from around mid-September to the end of October, just in time for Thanksgiving. The top 4 cranberry producing states are Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Oregon and New Jersey.
The state of Wisconsin, the largest cranberry producer in the United States, produced approximately 59% of the crop in 2020. The 2021 production is expected to increase by 1% from 2020 to reach 4.7 million barrels (100 lbs = 45.35 kg).
For the other states, production volumes are forecast at 2.1 million barrels for Massachusetts, and 0.6 million barrels for Oregon, slight increases compared to 2020. In contrast, production of New Jersey is expected to decline.
In the United States, cranberry production has gradually increased since 1990, with consumption of the fruit increasing from seasonal to annual. This increase is partly due to the increase in cranberries used in the food industry, mainly for juices and drinks.
source : ers.usda.gov