Agrícola Famosa will participate in Cool Logistics America
FJ | Agricola Famosa Ltda
Le plus grand producteur de melons et pastèques du Brésil interviendra à la conférence Cool Logistics America qui se tiendra à São Paulo (14-15 mai 2014).
The largest producer of melons and watermelons from Brazil will intervene at America Cool Logistics conference to be held in São Paulo (14-15 May 2014).
Agrícola Famosa is the largest producer of melons and watermelons in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. Its production capacity reaches 6,000 hectares, its exports totaled more than 100 000 tons (figures 2010/11), in particular to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Spain.Its sales on the domestic market totaled 30,000 tons (figures 2010/2011).
The company is also the largest exporter of fresh fruits from Brazil and continues to expand its markets. In addition to Europe, Agrícola Famosa began shipments to Dubai, Singapore, Turkey, Russia, Canada and the United States.
source : cool logistics, agricola famosa