Body & Brains - passion for healthy and tasty snacking
“Body and Brains” is new Dutch smart-snacking concept that promotes passion for healthy and tasty snacking. It’s known that only 15 % of population is used to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Main vision of “Body and Brains” smart-snacking concept is to involve other 85% of people to reach the daily-recommended intake of fruit and vegetables by providing fruit and veg snacks worldwide for any moment.
In Hong Kong during Asia Fruit Logistica trade show Fructidor team had a chance to meet inventor of “Body and Brains” smart-snacking concept Mr. Jacques Luteijn, Growers Packers Direct BV General Manager. He shared with us: “Ever since I was young I felt privileged that I could grow up on a farm, where there was always fresh fruit on the table. And in that time we were not aware that fruit and vegetables were high in macro- (fibre) and micronutrients (anti oxidants) were good for your health. Today we are lucky to know that they are… and I want to share this knowledge and passion with everyone.’’
Jacques Luteijn continuous: “As grower and producer we work together with colleague-growers and bring delicious products filled with health and handy reclose able packaging in one total concept: Body&Brains, smart-snacking for young and old!” He adds: “The Body&Brains logo makes the consumer conscience that you can enjoy a healthy snack with a result that you participate in a healthier lifestyle. Body&Brains products are easy and user friendly packed so they are easy to take with you to school, work, and exercise or simply at home.”
What is important for consumers, through the QR code the producer / grower is traceable and product could be traced through the whole supply chain. In such way company helps the retailers and foodservice with their responsibility to provide their consumers with healthy high-quality food.
For contact:
Mr. Jacques Luteijn