Onion exports now banned in India
Tuesday 12 December 2023
Delayed monsoon and drought affected the normal timing of onion production in India (Photo: hindustantimes.com).
In India, retail onion prices continue to rise. To combat this trend, the Indian government has decided to ban onion exports.
Local media have reported that, according to a notification from DGFT, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade, onion exports are banned until March 31, 2024.
This measure is intended to increase the volume of onions available on the domestic market and combat rising retail prices. These prices had almost doubled in just a few weeks for the Indian consumer, despite previous government measures such as the minimum export price set at 800 USD/ton and a 40% customs duty.
The supply situation on the domestic market and the need to keep retail prices affordable for the average consumer will certainly be at the heart of the debates leading up to next year's parliamentary elections.
source : reuters.com, timesofindia.indiatimes.com, thesun.my