End of apple season in the Northern Patagonian Valleys
Saturday 16 March 2024
According to an Argentinean media, while between 2010 and 2018 apple production was between 700,000 and 800,000 tonnes, in the last four years this average has decreased significantly, reaching some 505,642 tonnes (photo: diet-health.info).
In recent years, apple production in the northern valleys of Patagonia, Argentina, has experienced a significant decline. According to local media, while between 2010 and 2018 figures of between 700,000 and 800,000 tonnes were recorded, in the last four years this average has dropped significantly, reaching around 505,642 tonnes.
The National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service, SENASA North Patagonia, has detailed the evolution of production for the regions of Rio Negro and Neuquén during this period. The average production stood at 330,000 tonnes, with a minimum of 303,000 tonnes, which could be close to this year's production. However, it is projected to be 10% lower than expected due to damage caused by excessive sun exposure.
Fortunately, this damage has been reduced in crops protected with netting, especially in varieties such as Granny Smith, where serious damage due to sun exposure is almost non-existent.
Regarding the maturity of the fruit, the report of the Maturity Program of INTA Alto Valle indicates that during the week of March 11 to 16, the Red apple could be destined to a long conservation, while between March 18 and 23 it would be optimal for a medium conservation, and between March 25 and 30, for a short conservation. However, this recommendation is subject to the state of maturity of each lot, and it is advisable to finish harvesting with pressures of not less than 12 pounds and a starch degradation of less than 80%.
fuente: masproduccion.com