Heads of State have tasted the potatoes of Maison BAYARD
Monday 12 November 2018
FJ | Bayard Distribution
Maison BAYARD provided the potatoes needed for the "Apples Elysee" served for the lunch enjoyed by heads of state (Photo Facebook Guillaume Gomez).
Yesterday for the commemorations of the end of the First World War 1914-1918 more than fifty heads of state were invited at the Elysée Palace by the President of the French Republic. Lunch menu served: potatoes from MAISON BAYARD.
Indeed, the menu included poultry from Bresse who were accompanied by "Apples Elysee", elaborate recipe and developed by Guillaume Gomez the Chef of the Elysée Palace. The potatoes used came from Maison BAYARD.
The Maison BAYARD is a unique know-how for potatoes of superior quality and whose history is perpetuated since 1910 in the heart of Santerre, in Picardy. With the will to go even further, the company in 1997 created BAYARD DISTRIBUTION which allows the diffusion of its own production, but also those of about thirty other producers.
The company meets the standards of reasoned agriculture: its producers follow the Afnor NF-V-25-111 standard and are GlobalG.A.P certified. An external audit is conducted each year. The packaging center meets the requirements of the Afnor NF-V-25-112 standard.