MACFRUT Direct : BARNIER, Colombian products, freshness and quality
All countries
Saturday 17 September 2016
Mr. Barnier Xavier shows some of the products that his company imports from Colombia for distribution in France and Europe.
SANTANA is a trademark present for 26 years on the market in France and other Mediterranean countries. The mini banana, passion fruit and other wonderful exotic fruits exports markets, characterized by high quality and - thanks to air transport - by freshness.
Xavier Barnier (owner Barnier S.A.R.L. the import-export company that manages the brand) started the import business with Colombian pineapple that were not present on the European market, using air transport. The Extra Sweet, British origin, is a pineapple at very high level of sugar (14-15 ° Brix) with a very pronounced yellow color very attractive to the consumer, providing an extraordinary fragrance.
Over the years, a real evolution marked the market, customers have now understood that products arriving by air have nothing to envy to nearby products and are as fresh as the original. While initially supermarkets and department stores looked only the price, now they focus on quality and to obtain and maintain this quality they focus less on affordability alone.
From the office of the company installed on the Rungis market, Barnier distributed in France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Germany, UK.