SAINT CHARLES INTERNATIONAL honored by the nominations of Cyril GORNES
Cyril GORNES, the General Director of SAINT CHARLES INTERNATIONAL Services has been appointed to the quality of Foreign Trade Advisor of France (CCEF) for a term of 3 years starting from the 1st January this year.
The CCEF has 4 main missions advising governments, promoting the attractiveness of France, business support and training internationally.
The network brings together 4000 people, including 1300 on French territory, develops a wide range of volunteer activities such organization of seminars, sponsorship of international SMCs, supporting the development of VIE device (Volunteering International Experience), tutoring and youth awareness of careers in international, etc.
Areas that are familiar to Cyril GORNES, also Director of SAINT CHARLES EXPORT and, as such, has already organized many missions abroad and foreign buyers receptions for companies participating in the group.