Bee Sweet’s Heirloom Navels are now in season
Bee Sweet Citrus, a grower, packer and shipper of California citrus, repots its season of Heirloom Navels, which will be available until the end of California citrus domestic season.
According to Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming at company, for decades, Bee Sweet’s growers have worked diligently to exceed consumer's standards in taste and quality. “Heirloom Navels continue set the bar for excellence due to their high brix levels and exceptional flavor,” she added.
Joe Berberian, Citrus Sales Representative at Bee Sweet Citrus, noted "When it comes to citrus, customers can rely on Heirloom Navels because they never compromised by acidity."
Generally grown on blocks of well-aged trees, averaging anywhere from 40-60 years old, Heirloom Navels are a selection of California's oldest and most famous citrus varieties. These Bee Sweet's citrus fruits are recognizable by their vibrant packaging, they stand out in their black carton and matching 3- and 4- lb. (1.3 and 1.8 kg.) bags, which expected to be available until May.
Moreover, the company also reports strong supply of Mandarins, Lemons, Navel Oranges, Grapefruit, Blood Oranges, Cara-Cara Navels and Minneola Tangelos.
Located in the heart of the Central Valley, Bee Sweet Citrus is a vertically integrated agribusiness, which dedicated to growing, packaging and shipping of California citrus from 1987. Family owned and operated, the company is known for the production of Navel and Valencia oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruit, and even exotic specialties such as pummelos and minneolas.
Find more information about Bee Sweet’s varieties on its website.